This is some of our finished work, with more to come: This is the before picture of a sink remodel we did. The end result. The before picture in one of our bathroom remodels. Adding to the left picture, we demo'd everything. The before picture of a badly corroded valve we encountered during the bathroom remodel in the picture above. Adding to the above four pictures in this shower remodel, we added the side panels. Replaced and ready to go. The other side. Drywall spattered, just needs to be painted. Nice view of the completed tub. The completed project of one of our other bathroom remodels. Everything is new. Walls, tub, doors, faucet, handles, etc. Continued from the left image is the sink and mirror portion of this bathroom remodel. Both sink/cabinet combo and mirror are newly installed. Before pictures of shower tile remodel Cement board installed Now it's ready for tiling Tile remodel finished New sink remodel before After Underneath the above picture's sink is also a new garbage disposal installation Also added was a new angle stop A separate sink installation job with a new door installation The completed door Before image of a sink installation job. Cutting around the edges in order to lift up old sink. Part 2. The tile was ground and wood was cut to make room for new sink. Old sink removed. New sink put in and ready for use.